Kamis, 19 Desember 2019

What is Art ?

The existence of art is inherent in every joint of life and the human soul, so it cannot be separated until now. There are various notions of art according to experts.

Definition of Art
Art is everything created by humans that contains elements of beauty and is able to arouse feelings of himself and others.

Based on this definition, art is a product of beauty, where humans try to create something beautiful and can bring pleasure.

Art comes from the word "Sani" which is Sanskrit language which means offering or worshiping.

In the general public art has a close relationship with traditional ceremonies or religious ceremonies commonly referred to as regional art.

Art is an amazing ability brought by someone from birth or commonly called talent. Whereas in English art is called "Art" which means visual art or fine art.

Understanding Art According to Experts

Understanding Art According to Experts
Of the many meanings of art, and the development of the times made many experts express their opinions about the definition of art. Here are some definitions of art according to experts:

The definition of art according to Aristotle is a form whose expression and appearance never deviate from reality and that art is imitating nature.

Alexander Baum Garton
Understanding of art according to Alexander Baum Garton that the meaning of art is beauty and art is a positive goal that makes connoisseurs feel in happiness.

Immanuel Kant
The definition of art according to Immanuel Kant is a dream because the formulas can not make reality happen.

James Murko
The definition of art according to James Murko is an explanation of the beautiful taste contained in the souls of every human being, born by means of communication tools in a form that can be considered by the senses of the listener (sound art), vision (painting), or born with the mediation of motion (dance, drama).

Leo Tolstoy
The definition of art according to Leo Tolstoy is an expression of the creator's feelings conveyed to others so that they can feel what the painter feels.

Hilary Bel
Understanding art according to Hilary Bel that the meaning of art is a term used for all works that can inspire the heart to find out who the creator.

Kinds of Art

Kinds of Art
Art can be enjoyed through the media of vision (visual art), hearing (audio art), and a combination of both (audio visual art). In general, art can be divided into five groups, namely:

1. Fine Art

Fine art is a work of art that can be enjoyed through visual media, or visual art.

Fine art focuses on works that have the form and form expressed in the form of paintings, drawings, sculptures, handicrafts, multimedia, and others.

2. Art of Music

The sound element is the main element of the art of music. While other elements are a form of harmony, melody, and musical notation as a means of being taught.

The art of music grew and developed from the Renaissance to the present. Art of music is the result of human creation that produces sounds of rhythm and harmony that is beautiful for the listener.

3. Dance

Dance is the result of human creation that uses gestures as a beauty.

Motion in dance functions as a medium to communicate certain purposes of the choreogragfer. In general, dance is combined with music.

That way the concentration and consistency of dance movements become more perfect in the delivery of messages and feelings.

4. Theater Arts

Theater art is the art of visualizing imagination or describing someone's thoughts.

The results of the imagination are related to the behavior of living things, both individually and in groups.
5. Literary Arts

Literary art is an art form that is enjoyed through the media of hearing and vision.

Through literary art in words, one can convey messages and impressions in a beautiful way. Examples of literary art such as poetry (sound) and calligraphy (writing).

Art Function

Art Function
Art functions are grouped into 2 parts, namely individual functions and social functions. The following explanation:

Individual Function

For individuals, art has a function as a means of meeting needs. The form of these needs include:

1. Function of Meeting Physical Needs

Basically, humans are homofabers who have the ability to appreciate the beauty and use of things.

Applied art does refer to satisfying physical needs so that comfort is an important aspect.

2. Function of Meeting Emotional Needs

Emotions are feelings in humans, be they feelings of pleasure, sadness, anger, love, emotion, hate, and others.

All people need to vent their feelings within themselves so that their mental condition remains normal.

To meet these emotional needs, humans need encouragement from outside themselves.

For example, someone who has an artistic and aesthetic spirit will express his emotions through music, paintings, or other things.

It could also be when someone feels stressed, then he needs time for recreation, watching a movie, or other things to relieve mental stress.

Social Function

Social function is an art function that is useful as fulfilling an individual's social needs. There are several kinds of functions of art as social functions as follows:

1. Educational Functions

Art has an important role in the world of education. Education can be grouped into three categories, namely:

Formal education: Education in the school environment
Non-formal education: Education in the community
Informal education: Education in the family environment
Through art, individuals can learn about values ​​and science in a fun way.

For example a student can study music or drama, where this activity can express themselves to others.

2. Religious / Religious Functions

Art has an important role in delivering religious messages to humans. This can be seen from clothing / clothing, spiritual songs, wedding ceremonies, death ceremonies, calligraphy, and others.

For example the gamelan used in the Ngaben ceremony in Bali (gamelan xylophone, luwang, and angklung).

Or at Borobudur and Prambanan Temples. The reliefs on the walls of the temple are illustrations of Buddhist and Hindu scriptures.

3. Information function

Through art can also explain things to others more easily.

For example the use of art-valuable posters in which information about the dangers of drugs, the importance of immunization, and delivery of government programs.

Or it could be with a shadow puppet show, shadow puppets, skit and billboards.

4. Entertainment Function

Most of the entertainment-related elements of art in which the actors can express themselves actively or passively.

An artist can feel happy, touched, angry, when his work is liked or disliked by others.

Likewise individuals who hear, see, feel a work of art. Humans can feel entertained when looking at a painting, watching a movie, or watching a music concert.

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